To promote, establish, operate and/or support activities and projects within the community.

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We support communities

About Venue Llambed

Here to Bring People Together
to Help

Venue Llambed is a tremendous asset to the community because it serves as an anchor for bringing people together. It provides a gathering space for locals to come together, network, and get to know each other.

Venue Llambed also hosts a variety of events and activities such as live music, art exhibitions, and film screenings that serve as cultural catalysts for connecting people from different backgrounds. These events and activities bring people of all ages, interests, and backgrounds together to create a thriving and vibrant community.

Venue Llambed also provides a platform for local businesses and organizations to showcase their work and engage the local community. With its commitment to supporting the community and bringing people together, Venue Llambed is an invaluable resource and an essential part of the local culture.




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Llambed Development Trust

Benefits of Giving

Venue Llambed would not exist without volunteers.

Llambed Development Trust is an amazing organization that relies heavily on volunteers for its operations. Without volunteers, Llambed Development Trust would not be able to provide its services to the community.

Volunteers are needed to help with event planning, marketing, and outreach, which are all essential for the success of the organization.

Furthermore, volunteers are essential for providing the necessary support to the staff and the community. Without them, the organization would have difficulty carrying out its mission and achieving its goals.

Volunteers are the backbone of Venue Llambed, and without them, the organization would not survive.

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Improve Self-Esteem

Volunteering is a great way to improve self-esteem. By giving of your time and energy to help others, you can feel proud and satisfied with yourself for making a difference in the world.


Reduce Your Stress

Volunteering is a great way to reduce stress. Volunteering can give a sense of purpose and accomplishment, help build self-esteem and social skills, and provide a distraction from everyday problems.


Financial Benefits

Volunteering is not only beneficial for the community—it also provides financial benefits. People who volunteer often find themselves with improved job prospects, as potential employers will tend to look favorably on someone with a history of volunteer work.


Make A Difference

Volunteering makes a major difference in the community by providing an invaluable service to those in need. By donating time and resources, volunteers are able to help individuals and families in a variety of ways.

Our Recent Events

Here to Bring People Together

Llamed Development Trust has been hosting a range of community-focused events over the past few months to bring people together and strengthen the local community. These events have included a variety of activities, such as family days out, art classes for children, and cookery classes for adults.

The Trust has also provided grants to local charities and community groups, enabling them to carry out their important work in the local area. The Trust has been instrumental in helping to build a stronger, more connected community, and the events have been very successful and well attended.

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Success Stories, To Know About Our Non- Profit

Llambed Development Trust is working hard to make the community a better place for everyone. Through their various initiatives and projects, the Trust is striving to create a more equitable and sustainable community.

They are also working to create a vibrant and engaging community atmosphere by investing in public art, festivals, and other activities. The Trust is dedicated to making the area a better place to live and work, and is actively working to achieve that goal.

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